Thursday 15 March 2018

The Greatest Ever Written Narratives

Historians, literary critics, casual readers and avid readers have different opinions on the best novels of all time. Which novel will be the best? Is it the one with captivating and beautiful figurative language? Or the one that has a great social impact? Or the one that has positively affected the world? You will find the best collection of narratives in the online library, Bookvus.

Have a glance at the books that have been crowned the greatest literary works:

Anna Karenina

Any fan of books that involve gambling, adultery, Russian feudalism or marriage plot, would place Anna Karenina on the top of the “greatest books” list. This book is revolutionary in the treatment of women, representing social hardships and prejudices of the time.

To Kill a Mocking Bird

Narrated by an influential author, To Kill a Mocking Bird depicts racism in South America through the perspective of a young girl. The iconic characters, father Atticus Finch and lawyer, changed people’s perspectives while serving as role model at the time of tensions related to racism.

The Great Gatsby

This book is written with a young man’s perspective. He moved to New York and befriended his Nouveau riche neighbor who has mysterious origins. The Great Gatsby gives you an insight into the 1920s in the history of America while analyzing the idea of “American Dream.”

Bookvus is a hub of ebooks by great writers. Visit the online library for variety of works.

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