Tuesday 15 January 2019

Intermittent Fasting to Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

More and more people are trying to lose weight, especially weight gained after some holiday feasting, and traditionally, those looking to shed a few pounds turn to diet. With an overwhelming amount of diets and plenty of contradictory information surrounding them, however, dieting can be tricky. But rather than counting calories or restricting certain foods, another option exists to help shed a few unwanted pounds and maintain a healthy body weight: Intermittent fasting.

The concept of intermittent fasting involves restricting the times you eat as opposed to what or how much you eat. Discretion should be exercised, of course, as excessive eating is still harmful, even when only done within a certain time window. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can be a powerful weight loss and fat burning tool, and can be incorporated into an everyday lifestyle to help maintain a healthy body weight.

For beginners, the 12:12 method is recommended. That is to say, a period of 12 hours of eating, followed by 12 hours of fasting. Let’s say you have your breakfast at 8 am on any given day. By following an intermittent fasting regime, you would finish eating dinner by 8 pm and avoid any further eating before your 8 am breakfast on the following morning. The idea may seem difficult at first, but you could start out slowly by finishing your last meal of the day at 9 pm or 10 pm at first until your body adapts. From there you could consider 14:10 or 16:8 methods, but it’s best not to rush and take it one step at a time.

Looking for more healthy motivation? Have a look at the wide variety of reads available at www.bookvus.com.

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