Thursday 21 February 2019

Top three action movies of all time

When it comes to action movies, it isn’t all about the body count or how many explosions there are that make them good. Though these are important elements, the plot and the characters also have an impact on what makes them truly great. Here’s a rundown of our top three action movies of all time.

Die Hard

Who would have thought that a skyscraper, hostages, a German thief posing as a terrorist, a New York cop, his wife, an ambitious reporter and a street cop assigned to a desk would make for the greatest action movie of all time? Based on the novel, Nothing Lasts Forever, the irony of how well Die Hard has stood the test of time is not lost on us. Filled with explosions, witty one-liners, a gripping plot and a failing German accent, there is just nothing more that could be improved upon.

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

When a villain gets to redeem himself, there is generally a very long backstory to go with it. In the case of the Terminator, there was just a bit of reprogramming, but that doesn’t make this movie any less amazing for it. With a total body count of 0 for the Terminator in the movie (because of the promise he makes to John Connor) this movie is thrilling from start to finish.

Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark

Snakes, why did it have to be snakes? Raiders of the Lost Ark is a movie that can be watched time and again without it dragging, and it also has the added bonus of making archaeology extremely cool. Though not every archaeology student will have a professor they want to write “I love you” on their eyelids for, or end up fighting the Nazis for one of the greatest modern finds, there is a lot in these movies to get you excited about history.

To find out more about action movies, check out where you’ll find even more action movies, actors and heroes to keep even the most ardent action fans happy.

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